Saturday, July 26, 2008

Leap of faith into The Blogosphere

No more procrastination, no more excuses. I am finally taking my first baby steps out into the Big Wide Blogosphere and who knows where it may lead??

It is so easy to lurk & enjoy the work of others so it is a very daunting task to put fingertips to the keyboard to begin this whole process. In the last month, I have finally started a Flickr account, so this should be the next logical step. Should be. It is far easier to take a few pretty pictures than to initiate dialogue, and especially to produce words that are of some value.

This blog is intended to focus on my adventures in the wonderful world of cupcakes, but be warned, I am a natural digressor so we could end up just about anywhere.

I think this is enough for a brief intro. Hopefully much more to come!

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